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What is the difference between the different laser powers of the laser marking machine
DATE:2021/7/8 16:44:15  Page view:4798

What is the difference between the different laser powers of the laser marking machine?

The higher the laser power of the same laser marking machine, the higher the price; the larger the marking range; the deeper if the marking is to be done; the faster the speed when marking the same workpiece. When marking some specific materials or requirements, high power can be adjusted to low power, but low power can not be adjusted to high power.

At present, the laser power of the laser marking machine equipment produced by Foshan Fulan Laser Technology Co., Ltd. is:

①Standard model:

Fiber laser marking machine has 10W, 20W, 30W, 50W;

CO2 laser marking machine has 10W, 30W, 60W, 100W, 150W;

Green laser marking machine has 3W, 5W, 8W;

UV laser marking machine has 3W, 5W, 8W;

Mopa laser marking machine has 20W, 30W, 60W;

②The laser power of the non-standard machine is determined according to customer needs.

How can I see the power of the laser? ——Every laser equipment produced by Foshan Fulan Laser has its parameters marked. You can see the power of the laser directly by looking at the nameplate; or test it with a power meter, etc.




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